Boot Camps

These amazing classes are designed with a beginning and an end. Each specific class deals with a particular time frame in a child’s life. We are excited to introduce these boot camps to help you on your parenting journey.

Our hope is to support moms and dads in making a smooth transition from pregnancy to parenting your child. This is for first time parents as well as those who might just need a refresher course.

There are many topics to cover from What to Expect During Pregnancy, Expectations During Your Baby’s Developmental Stages and Managing Your Finances. We believe an informed and prepared parent is a more relaxed parent.

Each class enables you to receive Baby Bucks which you can use in our Baby Store that is stocked with diapers, formula, wipes and clothing. When the boot camp is completed you will receive a gift of a brand new car seat of your choice, Pack ’n Play, Baby Monitors or something of equal value. If both parents attend their own classes they will receive double the rewards.


This boot camp will help a mom know more about her unborn child and his/her development. Each trimester will be studied and the client will know what to expect as she continues through her pregnancy. Many questions that mothers can have will be answered through these fun and educational classes.


During these classes Dad’s top concerns about becoming a parent will be addressed. Subjects from emotions that their partner is going through to how to bond with their baby. Many other topics will be discussed that will help build confidence in his ability to care for his newborn. These classes are taught by other men who understand what it is like to be a Dad.


These classes are for parents that have a newborn up to one year old. They cover topics like Newborn Milestones, Infant Care, Infant CPR and Being a Super Mom.


This boot camp is for the parent who had a child from one year old to three years old. Topics like toilet training to dealing with temper tantrums will be discussed. This boot camp empowers you to care for your child through each toddler milestone.

Call (316) 322-0070 to learn more.