Parenting Classes


You are not alone. Parenting can be one of the hardest and yet most rewarding experiences you will ever face. Everyone can use a little support sometimes.


Optional. Free. Resourceful.

We offer free parenting classes through our iParent program. An advocate will walk through the video session you as you learn parenting tips and skills. Each class you will receive “baby bucks” that you can use in our store. We are stocked with diapers, formula, wipes and clothing.

Join a Parenting Class

The subject of the classes varies from those that address all stages of pregnancy to the challenges of raising a grade school child. Some of these titles include: The First, Second and Third Trimester; Eating For Two; What’s Safe, What’s Not; Your Changing Body; Infant Temperament; Newborn Care; Mr Independent; Tantrums; How to End Biting; What Kind of Parent Are You; Compliant vs Defiant; …and many, many more.

Contact the center today at (316) 322-0070 to see which classes are currently available.