
A Non-Profit, Upscale Boutique

 "Guilt-Free Shopping"

Branches started Great Beginnings Boutique as an upscale women's clothing and accessories resale boutique in downtown El Dorado in which 100% of all profits benefit the center. We are currently accepting women's, men’s and children’s clothing, shoes, and accessories. Please take all clothing donations to Great Beginnings at 103 N. Main where we sort our donations, or call 316-435-5155 for more information.

We are always in need of volunteers. Call today to find out how you can make a difference and get first dibs on trendy, name-brand clothing at low prices!

103 N. Main, El Dorado, KS
Open Tues thru Fri 11am - 5pm; Saturday 11am - 3pm

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